JAKARTA: The composite stock price index (CSPI) Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) thin rose 0.5% points near the position of3500 is 3499.95, according to analysts predicted a rise triggeredby global and regional exchanges.
At least 114 shares rose, 61stocks fell, and 86 shares remain stagnant. Since trading openedthis morning, the index rose supported by a number of shares.Stimulation of share transactions that first session triggered by theJapanese exchanges, regional and global stock since yesterdaybegan to recover.
Jakarta Composite Index rose 15.739 points, or 0.45% to position3499.949. Meanwhile, the LQ45 index rose 3.042 points (0.49%)to 622.794 position.
In this first session, the frequency of transactions reached 49 684times with a volume of 1.506 billion shares worth Rp 1.810 trillion.
The increase in U.S. and European stock exchanges followed by atrigger strengthening regional exchanges. Korean stock market, an increase in opening trade this morning. Kospi index score gain of0.39% at 9:05 pm Seoul time.
Meanwhile, Japanese stocks rose as the yen tumbled following astatement of the Bank of Japan and several countries belonging tothe G7 that they will conduct market intervention in order to reducethe impact of the nuclear crisis. (ln)
Source: Bisnis.com
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