Make Money Blog$, Jakarta - the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) two weeks to allow time for market participants to revise regulations related to the response requested No.IX.FI and No.IX.H.1.
"We give it about two weeks. If the case involves a substantial input then we discuss and consider the input it again before the set," said Chief of the Bureau of Legislation and Legal Aid Bapepam-LK Robinson Simbolon via text message received on Sunday (13 / 3) .
He further said that the revised decision regulation No.IX.H.1 No.IX.F.1 and is very dependent on the inputs from the perpetrator.As is known, the revised regulations concerning the tender offer voluntary No.IX.F.1 and No.IX.H.1 about the takeover of a listed company.
In the revised regulation contains No.IX.F.1 voluntary tender offer statement. This voluntary tender offer statement contains the Company which made a voluntary tender offer must contain information regarding the tender offer price, when the bidding, and procedures for voluntary tender offer. In addition, the company must include requirements and special conditions of the voluntary tender offer, the target company statement and any other party in connection with the voluntary tender offer, the price of equity securities that are objects voluntary tender offer, and implementation of a voluntary tender offer.
While the rules No. IX.H.1 contains about a public company takeover. In the revised regulations, among others, negotiations within the framework of the takeover, the takeover of a public company, and the implementation of the mandatory tender offer.Bapepam-LK has asked that response since Friday (11 / 3).
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