JAKARTA, Make Money Blog$ - Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) today successfully closed sumringah. At 16.00, up 0.78 percent recorded JCI or 27.61 points to 3569.839.
About 124 stocks rose, 84 stocks fell, and 70 other stocks experiencing no change. The volume of transactions reached 3.95 billion shares worth Rp 4.2 trillion.
The sectors experiencing the highest increase of 2.11 percent is mining. Only later followed by other industrial sectors amounted to 1.50 per cent and basic industrial sector amounted to 0.90 percent. Only one sector is sluggish today, the trade sector which fell 1.42 percent.
Stocks that occupy positions Top gainers including: PT Lamicitra Nusantara (Lami) rose 11.73 percent to Rp 200, PT Sumalindo Lestari (Suli) rose 9.82 percent to Rp 123, PT Kedawung Setia Industrial (KDSI) rose 8.47 percent to Rp 205, PT PP (PTPP) rose 8.2 percent to Rp 660, and PT Harum Energy (HRUM) rose 7.14 percent to Rp 9,000.
Meanwhile, shares of top Losers occupants are: AKR (AKRA) dropped 8.02 percent to Rp 1,490, PT Tigaraksa Satria (TGKA) dropped 7.69 percent to Rp 600, PT FKS Multi Agro (FISH) dropped 7 , 06 percent to Rp 1580, PT Prima Alloy Steel (Pras) dropped 6.33 percent to Rp 74, and PT Hexindo Adiperkasa (hexa) dropped 5.84 percent to Rp 6450. (Barratut Taqiyyah /Cash)
source: Kompas.com
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