Editor: Erland Djumena
AKARTA, Make Money Blog$ - The number of investors in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is small. According to data from PTIndonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), as of February 2011 the number of investors in the IDX only 332 380 investors.The number of shares of players expected to increase because the National Islamic Council of Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI DSN)immediately issued a fatwa stock trading mechanism.
The fatwa was already finalized in the MUI. "It's plenary meeting,late March or early April was able to get out his fatwa," said Head of Islamic Capital Market Development Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) Muhammad Touriq, Friday (03/25/2011).
Head of Accounting Standards and Disclosure of Bapepam-LKEtty Retno Wulandari hope, this fatwa can convince investors that the stock transaction was not gambling. "If the transaction is clear,investors will be more confident," he added.
Eliminate barriers
MUI request is part of the capital market regulator plans to developcapital markets and increase the number of investors, especiallyfrom outside Java. Understandably, IDX often met potentialinvestors who question whether or not lawful for stock trading.According to Director of Development IDX Friderica WidyasariGoddess, it has become an obstacle in getting people to invest in the stock. So, "If we had a fatwa, we can direct selling," he said.
The fatwa was also going to mention that sharia signs must be obeyed. The criteria there are 15 forms of transactions that are prohibited, for example, resell the shares purchased, even thoughthe shares have not been received.
Head of Research Universal Broker Indonesia Satrio Utomo ratethis fatwa will open a new niche investors. However, he cautioned,this step should be followed by education of investors. (EducatePurwanto, Harris Hadinata / Cash)
source: kompas.com
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