Jakarta - What's the best mutual funds in 2011?Mutual fund shares, protected or a mixture? It can not be classified instrument which is the best set ofeffects, because all back to investors. Because the investor has a risk profile and individual choice.
This was conveyed by the Chairman of Mutual Fund Managers Association of Indonesia (APRDI)Abiprayadi Riyanto, in conversations with reporters atthe Indonesia Stock Exchange Building (BEI), SCBDJakarta, Wednesday (02/02/2011).
To determine the most appropriate, it helps investorsinto first on one mutual fund products from Investment Manager (MI). Because with a portfolio of mutual funds, investors will analyze their risk factors,and finally to draw conclusions which types of mutualfunds was right for her.
Risk profile of each investor is different. Not sure itfits, should be appropriate, "he explained.
Indeed the growth of equity funds during the year2010 was so impressive, with the highest jump in the value of investments other than mutual funds. Butremember, an equity fund long-term character, andhigh risk.
So if you are concerned with liquidity is very high, veryrisky to place investments in mutual fund shares. In broad outline can be described as follows:
Mutual funds Risk Level Term
Shares > 3 years old Height
Protected 6 months-3 years
Low-Medium Mixed > 3 years
Medium 1-3 years of Fixed Income
Money Market <1 year Low
In general, investors character is divided into 3 parts.You are in what category?
Conservatives, concerned that fund security is a top priority, although still expect investment to growadequately.
Moderate, has a tolerance for a loss in return to obtainan increase in the long term.
Aggressive, tolenrasi huge loss in the short term(compared with other investors generally), but in orderto obtain a substantial profit.
Mutual fund itself is an alternative investment instruments and staying-trade have higher yields than the Deposits, Current Account or Savings Account.Therefore, traditional investments are not attractiveanymore, because consciously or longer increasedthe rate of inflation. On the other hand, the rate ofbank interest rates are still pegged low.
Excellence is investing in mutual funds where there isa set of securities both stocks, bonds or othersecurities professionally managed by MI. Safebecause it kept by the custodian bank and hasobtained the approval of Bapepam-LK.
Compared to other instruments, the value of mutualfund investment is relatively low. In addition, theportfolio of mutual funds can also be didiverensifikasi.This investment is also efficient in time and costs, asmanaged by the MI.
Another advantage, profit sharing and resale are notsubject to tax, and transactions are purchases orsales are also very easy. That all these products can be transferred to other species and with a high level of disclosure, so it is more secure than unethicalpractises.
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