JAKARTA, duitgue.co.cc - Ministry of Industry is ready to provide incentives for tax exemptions or tax holidays for new investments in the automotive sector, the origin met the criteria. New investmentis not just to build the center assembly.
"If you manufacture a machine with all components made inIndonesia, I must provide incentives in the form of tax holidays. The reason is, how it joined other industry grow, "said Minister of Industry, MS Hidayat in Jakarta, this weekend.
Investments must give effect to the component chain for industrial development of Indonesia. "Basically, the car made in Indonesiausing the technology that made Indonesia. No matter if the company's stock is not 100 percent owned by national companies.Now that global cooperation is needed to produce the car, "saidHidayat.
Previously, Head of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) GitaWirjawan said the government has established a task force across sectors, among others, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry,Investment Coordinating Board to formulate policies and taxexemption. The work team was still preparing the formulation of taxexemption and planned within the next 2-4 weeks can be presented in front of the President, Vice President, andCoordinating Minister for Economic Affairs.
As an initial limitation, a category that will get tax exemption is an industry which absorb a large workforce and be a pioneer anddevelop specific areas.
source: kompas.com
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