Make Money Blog$, Jakarta - Shares purchased BNBRtoday most foreign investors reached 37.8 millionshares of trading volume of 225.7 million shares with a total transaction Rp14, 8 billion.
Thus quoted from the IDX data on Thursday (10 / 3).The index closed down 11.03 points (0.3%) to3587.65. Trade volume reached 2.5 billion sharesworth Rp 2, 6 trillion. JCI had foreign net sell forRp29, 3 billion, with foreign purchases of Rp845, 4billion and foreign sales reached Rp874, 7 billion.
Second BBKP shares reached 12.6 million shares oftrading volume of 103.98 million shares with a totaltransaction valued at Rp64, 2 billion. Third IDKMshares reached 9.9 million shares from 24.4 millionshares of trading volume with a total transactionvalued at Rp22, 04 billion. Fourth MLPL sharesreached 8.6 million shares of trading volume of 63.16million shares with a total transaction valued at Rp16,03 billion.
BMTR fifth share reached 8.3 million shares oftrading volume of 35.3 million shares with a totaltransaction valued at Rp28, 7 billion. KLBF sixth shareof 7.9 million shares of trading volume of 38.1 millionshares with a total transaction valued at Rp116, 2billion. EARTH seventh share reached 7.8 millionshares of trading volume of 46.4 million shares with atotal transaction valued at Rp141, 2 billion.
PGAS eighth share reached 7.3 million shares oftrading volume of 46.8 million shares with a totaltransaction valued at Rp160, 5 billion. Ninth BMRIshare reached 25.4 million shares of trading volume of 25.4 million shares with a value of Rp160, 5 billion.The order of the ten shares MNCN 4.7 million sharesof trading volume of 45.6 million shares with a value of Rp46, 01 billion.
source: INILAH.COM
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