Jakarta - PT Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati PT (MBSS) will focus on prospective institutional investors in an initial public offering (IPO), with a share of 60% or theequivalent of 129 million ordinary shares.
"MBBS Shares offered will be more to the institution.Approximately 60% will be offered to institutional investors,"explained Director of PT Mandiri SecuritiesFaith Rachman, acting as underwriter (uderwriter) ofits shares at the Ritz Calton MBSS, SCBD, Jakarta,Tuesday (03/01/2011).
He delivered, the period of book building was held onMarch 1 to 15, 2011, with the initial public offering in25 to 29 March 2011. IPO roadshow will beconducted only in two cities, Jakarta and Singapore.
Company offers 215 million ordinary shares, or12.3% of the total issued and fully paid. Untilestimates of funds that can be achieved to reachUSD 322.5 - USD 408.5 billion.
The Company has appointed PT OSK NusadanaSekurities Indonesia and PT Mandiri Securities as underwriters. Allocation of funds after deducting costs of issuance, will be used for the purchase of tugs andbarges or floating cranes.
MBSS estimate, revenues in 2010 reached Rp 765billion, an increase over the same periodsebelumnyam, USD 685.997 billion. While net income, Director of MBSS, Ronny Kurniawan reluctant to deliver, because the audit process is still running.
"Revenues USD 765 billion," said Director of MBSS,Ronny Kurniawan.
Company shareholders also grew with the executioncorvertible dimungkin loan from Accion capital PltManagement Ltd (ACM). Where on June 14, 2010,MBSS with ACM did panandatanganan investmentagreement with the principal amount of U.S. $ 5million or USD 44.62 million.
ACM as an agent for Accion invesor and Asia GrowthFund (AAGF) act as early investors listed in theinvestment agreement. The loans can be executedmultiple of the minimum value of U.S. $ 250 thousand-5 million, and change with 2,188,082 to43,761,639 shares.
The exercise price according to the agreement isUSD 1074 per share, with fixed currency exchange rate, conversion at Rp 9,400 per U.S. $. Convertibleloan will mature in July 2013, and is a loan withoutinterest. If the loan is executed, the holder CovertibleLoan will have a 2.4% share of the total issued andfully paid.
source: detik.com
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