Jakarta - Make Money Blog$- PT Mandiri Investment Management (MMI) published two new mutual funds, stocks and fixed income. With the addition of these products, the company targets a new managed fund of Rp 350 billion.
Appropriate income funds (fixed income) have gained effective by Bapepam-LK on February 21. This product was introduced to the market in May 2011.
MMI promising investment scale, will be at least equal to the principal amount invested. This is based on a new feature that is owned MMI, ie Date of Optimal Investment Returns on December 15, 2011
"Fix income will begin to be offered in May 2011, because we work together with mutual fund dealer banks. We are holding our process. Pernyertaan unit up to Rp 1 billion. Custodian Bank is Deutsche Bank AG, Jakarta Branch," explained Director of MMI, Andreas M. Gunawidjaja at Graha Niaga, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Tuesday (15/03/2011).
The focus of this fund, not on funds under management in the early years. However, adding more to the investor, with investments made regularly.
"Our dollar cost averange based investor, and funds under management have grown consistently, installment. Expectations we USD 30-50 billion, could not direct enough," said Andrew.
One product of other mutual funds, stock manifold. MMI-run investment strategy, beyond the 20 shares berkapitalisasi big. In other words, MMI will enter into berkapitalisasi stocks of medium and small.
"We're outside the big input cap, ex-Top 20, which shares sequence number 21 to be measured from its market capitalization," he explained.
Mutual fund shares, began to be marketed late March 2011. Target markets to be targeted are institutions, such as pension funds, insurance and others. Large units pernyertaan up to Rp 1 billion, with the Custodian Bank is Deutsche Bank AG.
"In the first year is expected, can get a fund managed $ 300 billion," he added.
"With the strategy of non-top 20, what does it mean? We're more aggressive. We can be seen from the back testing. The result is much higher," said Director of MMI, Abiprayadi Riyanto. Until now, the company recorded total funds keloalaan (AUM) of Rp 20 trillion to 15 March 2011.
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