PT CIMB Niaga Tbk (BNGA) intends delisting tenderoffer price of between USD 1800-2000 per share.The plan to go private this is done after CIMB Groupentered Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI).
"With plans to go private is BNGA will make a tender offer at a price range USD 1800-2000 per share,"said one market participant, on Thursday(02/24/2011).
In trading today, until 11:20 when JATS, BNGAstagnant stock price at the level of USD 1780 pershare. Its shares are traded 116 times with a volume of 1889 lots valued at Rp 1.68 billion.
As is known, CIMB Niaga will perform the voluntarydelisting of the BEI, before the main business, theCIMB Group to record double (dual listing).
Disclaimer: The Editorial detikFinance not responsible for the content of this stock rumors. Allinvestment decisions remain in the hands of investors.
(ang / ang)
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