Make Jakarta - Shares of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk not fullybooked investors. Although fully subscribed, 47.6 percent of shares taken by the underwriters.
President Director of PT Danareksa Sekuritas Marciano justify the purchase of shares by the company. He considered this as a riskto be borne by underwriters. "We served absorb unsold," he saidwhen met at the Indonesian Stock Exchange building, on Friday(11 / 2).
In a note issued by the Indonesian Stock Exchange in mind the number of shares investors booked as much as 3.33 billionshares. While the remaining 3 billion shares taken by theunderwriters.
At the opening of IPO this morning experienced a hard landing of Garuda. Shares are sold at Rp 750 per share had fallen to theposition of Rp 580 per share. Average shares traded in the rangeGaruda Rp 620 per share.
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