JAKARTA - Make Money Blog$ - Indonesia has a great opportunity to be the largestshort-fiber pulp producer in the world to support the development ofindustrial timber estates (HTI) that adequate and harvest theshortest in the world.
According to Director General of Industry Ministry of IndustrialDevelopment zoning Dedi Mulyadi, in Jakarta, Wednesday,short-fiber pulp fiber produced from acacia and eucalyptus treesthat can grow quickly in the forest area of Indonesia.
He said Indonesia is currently in ninth position world pulpproducers with production of around 6.5 million tonnes per year."Indonesia is likely to rise keposisi five major world pulp producersas a whole," he said.
Meanwhile, long fiber pulp fibers are generally derived from pinetrees.
Both Matthew and Director of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and paper(RAPP), Kusnan Rahmin, agreed that in order to increase theranking of Indonesia's pulp industry is necessary raw materials are adequate. "It can be obtained from plantations with an area of fairlyand sustainably managed," said both.
Dedi asserted, the pulp is a potential wood-based industries. In fact, the pulp industry continues to grow positively in the woodproducts industry while others experience negative growth.
When the wood products industry grew by minus 3.5 percent in2010, down compared to growth in 2009 of minus 1.4 percent,pulp and paper industry would grow positively.
Dedi was also stated, pulp producers need to develop their products by using bleach pulp from vegetable enzyme which is more environmentally friendly. "This is to adjust to market demandwhich now require environmentally friendly products."
Kusnan added, pulp and paper producers in Indonesia must alsobe able to give added value in terms of product quality whileimplementing pro-environmental policy.
That policy could be implemented through sustainable forest management, environmental management, and mapping there-plantation with a fixed priority to sustainable forest management, including protecting high conservation value forests(High Conservation Values / HCV).
"In 2011, RAPP pulp production target of 2.3 million tonnes, whileproduction of about 750,000 tons of paper," said Kusnan. (tk / ant)
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