JAKARTA - PT Indosiar Karya Media Tbk will soonmerge with PT Elang Mahkota and Technology Tbkand PT Surya Citra Media Tbk (SCMA). Bothcompanies are invited to the merger was famous as the manager of the national television station SCTV.
Director of Indosiar, Handoko states, this merger planis approved Indosiar board meeting on Friday (18 / 2). But the new Indosiar released this plan to theIndonesian Stock Exchange today. "The Board of Commissioners support the proposed merger to the extent this is done based on statutory laws and regulations in force," he said yesterday (21 / 2).
Nevertheless, the parties have not explained furtherIndosiar value of merger and when the plan will berealized. So even with the technical merger, if afterthis Indosiar and SCTV merged into one newtelevision station or not.
The news about the merger of three companiesactually been circulating since 2008. But thecorporate action was not performed because ofobstructed rule legislation. Previously, based on LawNo. broadcasting. Or Regulation No. 32/2002. 50, atelevision station broadcasting are prohibited fromhaving two regions in the same province. According to these regulations, a legal entity allowed to have twoareas of broadcasting in two different provinces. And even then limited to a maximum of 100 per centownership in one region and a maximum of 49percent in other regions.
As a result of this merger news, shares rose IndosiarRp 50 to Rp 1,000 from the opening price of USD950.
source: republika.co.id
Red: Tri Puji B Siwi
Rep: Fitria Andayani
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