Money Blog$/JAKARTA - Government and Parliament are nowcompleting a change of Law No. 4 of 1992 on housing and settlements. There are two main things discussed there that isrelated to foreign ownership and housing savings.
Savings housing is needed, so there is cheap long term funds.Thus the available liquidity to finance low cost housing.
- Suharso Monoarfa
"Savings of housing is needed, so there is cheap long term funds,"said Minister of State for Public Housing (Menpera), SuharsoMonoarfa, Thursday (07/29/2010), in Jakarta. Thus, according toSuharso, will also increasingly available liquidity to finance low costhousing.
"It looks like what will this law that will answer it. And smoga canapply at the end of this year," said Menpera.
Related to foreign ownership, through revision, the governmentwants to encourage foreign investors, especially for business flatsor apartments. "Hopefully that will be stronger with the law and provide legal certainty," he said.
Now, this revision includes nearly more than 50 percent content ofHousing and Settlements Act. Therefore, to say the Ministry of Housing is making new laws that pro-investment and low-costhousing. (Sabrina Asril)
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