Money Blog$Jakarta - Although the number of initial shares offered by PT Garuda Indonesia has been reduced from 9.4 billion to only 6.4 billion shares but still not absorbed by the market. What is the problem?
In his writings, an independent stock analyst, Teguh Hidayat said of Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) stipulated in the price of Rp750 per share, including expensive. For the time of the IPO when market conditions began to 'break' after continuously strengthened since September last year. "Supposedly, Garuda held its IPO in October or November, ie when the stock index and high-high," he said.
In that period, in fact so many companies that held IPOs. They exploit the moment the market is bullish. As a result, they did successfully capture funds from the community as much as possible throughout the September to December 2010.
But unfortunately, continued Teguh, IPO SOE that was held when it actually Krakatau Steel (violent), which is fundamentally much better than Garuda. "Supposedly, Garuda IPO was held at the time, and the violence of new IPOs were held now," he said.
For the bullish on the market is never last long. Because there will always be the stock prices will return to normal levels. If the IPO Garuda done now it is too late, the bullish market has passed.Anticipating sluggish market by reducing the number of shares owned by the Ministry show the government does not have experts who understand the simple concepts about bullish and bearish.
Other reasons IPO GIAA done now it turns out the financial performance still a loss. With revenues Rp12, 7 trillion, with assets of Rp14 large enough, 2 trillion. But its profit was minus Rp290 billion, alias loss. Although still able to record a net profit of Rp195 billion, but the figures are derived primarily from earnings on foreign exchange amounting to Rp131 billion, and extraordinary income amounted to Rp184 billion, which incidentally is not a real income (only in the books). source:
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