Jakarta, PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk(Lonsum) plans to conduct a stock split (stock split)from Rp 500 per share to Rp 100 per share.
"It's based on a decision of the General MeetingExtraordinary Share holders January 28, 2011," saidEndang R. Lonsum Company SecretaryMadnawidjaja, today (12 / 2), the Information Disclosure submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Late trading shares with a nominal value of Rp 500per share long in Regular and Negotiable Market willbe on February 24, 2011, and early trading new shares with a nominal value of Rp 100 per share will start to be February 25, 2011.
This date was also the end settlement of stock transactions with a nominal value of the old in Regularand Negotiable Market. The determination ofshareholders entitled to the stock split will be March 1, 2011, and the distribution of new shares of nominalvalue will be made on March 2, 2011. Meanwhile,early stock trading on the Spot Market with a newnominal value will be made on March 2, 2011.
"For the shareholders whose shares are included in collective custody PT Indonesian Central Securities Depository, implementation of the stock split will bebased on stock account balance at the end of March 1, 2011," said Endang. As for shareholders whose shares are not included in the collective storageKSEI, stock split application can be made startingMarch 2, 2011.
Lonsum is a company engaged in the agricultural sector, such as oil palm, rubber, cocoa, and tea.Business scope has broadened to include breedingand sales of such products. The company was listedon the Indonesia Stock Exchange (originally the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchange) since July1996.
source: Tempointeraktif.com
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