Nurul Qomariyah - detikFinance
York - Share prices on Wall Street bolted sharply, with the DowJones index close to its highest point in the last 3 years. WallStreet cheered a surprise blessing from the financial statements ofmajor corporations. The shock was immediately closed theprevious series of negative sentiment,
In trading Wednesday (04/20/2011), the Dow Jones industrialaverage jumped 186.79 points closed (1.52%) to the level12453.54. The broader Standard & Poor's 500 rose 17.74 points(1.35%) to a level of 1330.36 and the Nasdaq rose 57.54 points(2.10%) to a level of 2802.51.
Investors get a shock from the financial statements of Intel Corp.and United Technologies Corp., which directly lead to action to buy. Intel shares rose 7.8% to U.S. $ 21.41, United Tech sharesrose 4.3% to U.S. $ 85.90.
"Until yesterday, the financial statements is not very interesting,even disappointing. However, the financial statements terakhriround with significant psychological change," said Nick Kalivas,senior analyst at MF Global as quoted by Reuters on Thursday
source: detikcom
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