MAKE MONEY BLOG$;PT Davomas Abadi Tbk (Davo) reportedly will hold a tender offerin the tender offer price aka Rp 108 after PT Uniflora Primaacquired a 51.86% stake. Offers will be made in late April.
"This price refers to the purchase price is higher than averageduring the past 90 days," whispered one of the market participantswho know the plan Wednesday (04/06/2011).
According to him, conditional sale and purchase agreement(CSPA) with holders of shares to be purchased ie, HassocksEnterprises Limited, Caterpillar Associates Limited, KriglerHoldings Limited, Polar Cap Investments Limited, and TempletonAssets Limited has been completed.
With the offering price of Rp 108 per share, then 28 points higher(35%) from yesterday's closing price at Rp 80 per share.
In trading today, until 10:36 o'clock JATS time, Davo stagnantstock price at USD 80 per share. Its shares traded 39 times with avolume of 2174 lots valued at USD 87,013.
Disclaimer: The Editorial detikFinance not responsible for the content of this stock rumors. All investment decisions remain in the hands of investors.
(ang / ang)
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