By Yuwono Triatmodjo
MAKE MONEY BLOG$: JAKARTA. After the success of the underwriter of the IPO (IPO) of two issuers in the first half of 2011, PT MakintaSecurities preparing to succeed the two other IPOs in the second half. This time his client is the two companies manufacturing steelprocessing industry from Jakarta and Surabaya.
"The value of IPO issuance each of them over Rp 100 billion," said Director of Investment Banking Securities Makinta, HarryKurniawan, Tuesday (19 / 7). Unfortunately, Harry was still reluctant to mention the identity of both.
One of the two candidates have decided to use the issuer'sfinancial statements first half of 2011. While others are stilldiscussed. "After Eid, we will put proposals to the stock," explained Harry.
Indonesian capital market prospects are positive and close toinvestment grade category (well worth the investment) to be drivingthe company's second IPO. Moreover, issuers now have a redplate steel floor on the stock, namely PT Krakatau Steel Tbk(KRAS) as a benchmark.
Harry confirms Makinta Securities target every year to help 1-2 IPOissuers. "If our target emission value does not exist, rather thenumber of IPOs," he said.
Just a reminder, in the first half of 2011 and then successfully handle Makinta Securities underwriting HD Finance Tbk PT(HDFA) and PT Sidomulya conformable Tbk (SDMU). Just a reminder, HDFA IPO value of Rp 92 billion and amounted to Rp53.33 billion SDMU.
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